5 языков признательности на работе

5 языков признательности на работе


Many have heard about the world bestseller Gary Chepman "5 languages ​​of love" - ​​but few people know that the same principles can be used in working relationships. Think about if you feel a valuable employee in the eyes of colleagues? Or maybe you yourself want to praise someone, but you feel doubts and awkwardness? As a result, the person you admire will not find out about it! With the help of this book, you can choose the keys to everyone, and it does not matter who you are: the head of the company or an ordinary employee. You will learn that, for example, the brand manager needs to say a few approving words, the chief accountant-to devote half an hour of time, and the specialist of the security department will appreciate your strong handshake. However, if you present a gift to a person who was simply waiting for help, he will rather be upset than to feel your location. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to figure out what language your colleague speaks in gratitude. Thus, you will not only learn to express sincere gratitude, but also create warm relations in the team and increase your level of satisfaction with work. After all, only a person who knows how to appreciate others is able to achieve incredible heights.

Тип обложки: твёрдая
Количество страниц: 304
Год издания: 11.09.2020
Теги: Гэри
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-112318-5

47₪ 93₪
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