Госпожа Бовари

Госпожа Бовари


Gustav Flobert entered world literature as the creator of an objective novel, when the author remains an insecure observer and does not impose his assessments to the reader. "Madam Bovary" is a brilliant confirmation of this. The novel "Madame Bovary", the fruit of the six -year work of the writer, has become truly an encyclopedia of the French provincial life of the 19th century. The wife of the doctor, Emma Bovary, dreams of social life, and a meeting with the owner of the estate by Rodolf Bulanzhe, a well -known conqueror of his hearts, gives her such hope. She is in love, ready for her love for everything, but the outcome of this passion is unpredictable ...

Количество страниц: 416
Год издания: 24.10.2022
Теги: Гюстав
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-173236-3


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