Железная дочь (#2)

Железная дочь (#2)


My name is Megan Chase. Now I am a guest in the Palace of winter fairies. How long? I can't even imagine. The time here lasts differently. Suddenly, when I finally manage to escape, hundreds of years will pass for hundreds of years? It may turn out that my relatives and friends have long been not alive. And yet I have to get out of here. Megan managed to defeat the Iron King, and now she is in the Palace of winter fairies at Queen Mab. The girl, with the power of Feyri and the human heart, feels that here she has no place at all. Ash, whom she loves, also avoids her. Moreover, the war between the summer and winter fairies is brewing. And Megan has lost her magical gift. She is again the most ordinary girl who was stuck in Fairland, and she, more than ever, needs help .. This cycle is for all fans of the world Fayri and bestseller Holly Black, whose series “Air People” became cult. Fans of stories about insidious, seductive creatures and love, bordering on hatred, will remain delighted. High -cost design - amazing covers and painted cutting around! Julie Kagawa is a writer whose novels amaze with their cinematography and dynamic plots. The “Dragon War” series was met by our readers on “Hurray” - dynamics, forbidden love, ancient enmity and amazing heroes do not leave indifferent. This cycle is unique. In it, one of the key roles is played by iron fairies - new creatures that the author invented. Now Megan is completely in the power of the queen of the doronous court of the mab, but Farii treat mortals as toys. Also, Beloved Ash left her. Now the girl will have to rely only on herself, do not succumb to tricks and do not believe the word for anyone ... In this part, there are even more action: together with Megan, you will slip out of Feirend to the real world to meet those who have long forgotten about the existence of a girl, and enlist the support of former enemies! This is what happens when your human heart is eager to reconcile two warring sides and return lost love. “Romantic reaches the apogei, the dynamics remains at a high level, the paints of the plot are thickened, the heroes simply fall in love with themselves. This is only a small share of the reasons why I give this book 5 stars. ” - Goodreads.com

Тип обложки: твёрдая
Количество страниц: 480
Год издания: 28.01.2022
Теги: Кагава
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-122475-2

48₪ 96₪
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