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New Notebook Kumon from the series "Let's do!" It will help the baby consolidate the ability to work with scissors. Having completed any task, the child will receive a funny craft with which you can play. With this notebook, baby: - it isolated to cut paper along lines of different complexity; - learns to change the direction of movement of the scissors, turning a sheet of paper with a free hand, not scissors; - It will be able to cut out objects of various shapes from paper. Tasks in the notebook are given on the principle from simple to complex and divided into three blocks: Cut along lines of different complexity (No. 1-20). With the help of these tasks, the child will remember how to keep scissors, it is to practice making one and several cuts in a row and will cut the paper in straight, broken and wavy lines. Cut from the asterisk to the asterisk and from the arrow to the asterisk (No. 21-28). In these exercises, the baby will train to stop at the place marked by the stars and turn the paper with a free hand in order to continue to cut in the right direction. We cut out the pictures (No. 29-38). In the last section of the notebook, the child will cut pictures of various shapes. From the assignment to the assignment, the complexity gradually grows and the figure that must be cut is more difficult. For whom this notebook: For children aged 2 years, who have already tried to cut.

Вес товара, г: 21
Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Размеры, мм: 60x90/16
Тип бумаги в книге: Мелованная матовая
Количество страниц: 80
Год издания: 16.03.2022
ISBN: 978-5-00146-453-2

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