The notebook is suitable for children who already know how to count up to 10. Performing a variety of tasks, the child will learn to count to 30 and train to write numbers up to 10. With the help of the workbook "Kumon. Let's count to 30!" child: - will develop fine motor skills of the hands, gluing stickers of different sizes and connecting points with lines; - it will confidently count to 30; - learn to write numbers up to 10; - It will feel the connection between the number and number of objects that it denotes. Tasks in the notebook are given on the principle from simple to complex. They are divided into two blocks: 1. Account from 1 to 30 (No. 1-18). In these exercises, the child will repeat the score up to 10, it will practice count to 30 and call the numbers aloud. He will: - draw lines from number to the word that means it; - glue stickers with numbers; - connect the numbers in order; - Draw a picture, leading a line through all numbers. Thanks to this, the baby will easily remember the order of numbers and their names. 2. Writing numbers from 1 to 10 (No. 19-44). In this section, the child will perform various tasks for writing numbers from 1 to 10. In the latest exercises of the notebook, the baby will need to write the number that corresponds to the number of objects. Thanks to this, he will feel the connection between the number and quantity that it denotes. For whom this notebook: For children from 3 years old who can count to 10.
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