Учимся раскрашивать (переупаковка для ДМ)

Учимся раскрашивать (переупаковка для ДМ)


The notebook is aimed at developing fine motor skills. By painting the limited areas in the pictures, your child will learn to draw a line with a pencil and control the movement of the hand. In addition, this workbook will help to remember the names of colors and forms, develop the creative thinking and artistic abilities of the child. All Kumon manuals use the principle "from simple to complex." In the first tasks of this notebook, the child will need to choose a wax pencil of the desired color and paint over one white area of ​​a simple shape in the figure. Gradually, the number of areas for coloring will increase, and their shape is complicated. In the latest tasks, the child will have to choose the pencils for coloring. On the back of each sheet, the child has to draw a pencil of the line without touching the pictures. For whom is this notebook? The notebook is designed for classes with children 2-4 years old. It can be used by both teachers in kindergartens, clubs and development centers, as well as parents to work at home.

Количество страниц: 80
Год издания: 18.07.2022
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-00195-580-1

34₪ 67₪
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